熊德意,天津大学智能与计算学部教授、博士生导师、自然语言处理实验室负责人、天津大学“语言智能与技术”中外联合研究中心(天津市“一带一路”联合实验室)主任。 2007至2012年在新加坡资讯通信研究院人类语言技术部任研究科学家,2013-2018年苏州大学计算机科学与技术学院教授。
主要研究方向为自然语言处理,特别专注于机器翻译、对话、自然语言生成、问答与机器阅读理解、常识推理、认知启发NLP等方向的研究。 在Computational Linguistics、 IEEE TPAMI、 AI、JAIR、 AAAI、 IJCAI、 ACL等国际著名期刊和会议上发表论文100余篇, 出版中英文专著各一部,编著会议论文集多部。获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金(国家优青)、国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技合作创新合作”重点专项、英国皇家学会牛顿高级学者基金、以及江苏省“333工程”和“六大人才高峰”等资助, 入选澳大利亚科学与技术学院资助的中澳青年科学家交流计划。获得新加坡资讯通信研究院2008年年度研究贡献奖、北京市科学技术奖二等奖、中文信息学会中文信息处理科学技术奖汉王青年创新奖一等奖等奖项。
曾是亚洲自然语言处理联合会AFNLP干事、新加坡中文与东方语文信息处理学会理事会成员。目前是中文信息学会理事。 担任IALP 2012&2021程序委员会共同主席,CWMT 2017程序委员会共同主席,欧盟多国联合项目QTLeap咨询专家以及ACL、EMNLP、NAACL、COLING等多个知名国际会议领域主席,Computational Linguistics等国际期刊常务编委, TACL&ARR Action Editor,IJALP副主编等。作为发起人或共同组织者联合组织了多次国际学术研讨会,包括SedMT 2016、IWDP 2018及2020、DiscoMT 2019等。
BiographyDeyi Xiong is a Professor of Computer Science at Tianjin University (TJU), Director of both the Natural Language Processing Laboratory at the College of Intelligence and Computing, TJU and the International Joint Research Center of Language Intelligence and Technology at TJU. Prior to joining TJU, he was a professor at Soochow University (2013-2018) and a research scientist at the Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore (2007-2013).
His research focuses on natural language processing, specifically machine translation, dialogue, natural language generation and question answering. He has published over 100 papers in prestigious journals and conferences, including Computational Linguistics, IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TASLP, Artificial Intelligence, AAAI, IJCAI ACL, and EMNLP. He is the first author of the book Linguistically Motivated Statistical Machine Translation: Models and Algorithms published by Springer and the Chinese book Neural Machine Translation: Foundations, Principles, Practices and Frontiers.
He was the program co-chair of IALP 2021 and CWMT 2017. He has also served as an area chair of conferences including ACL, EMNLP, NAACL and COLING. He was the founder and co-organizer of multiple ACL/EMNLP/NAACL-affiliated workshops such as S2MT 2015, SedMT 2016 and DiscoMT 2019. He is a member of the standing committee of reviewers of CL, action editor of both TACL and ARR, and an editorial board member of International Journal of Asian Language Processing. He was a council member of the Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society (COLIPS), Singapore and Honorary Treasurer of the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (AFNLP). He has been a council member of the Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPSC) since 2016.